OSAP and ICD Sponsor Groundbreaking Educational Program in Vietnam Print


September 27, 2016 (ATLANTA) — The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), a community of clinicians, educators, researchers, and industry representatives who advocate for the safest dental visit, and the International College of Dentists (ICD), the world’s oldest and largest honor society for dentists™, dedicated to the recognition of outstanding professional achievement and meritorious service and the continued progress of the profession of dentistry for the benefit of humankind, announced the completion of a highly successful comprehensive 2-day seminar on dental safety that was held September 6-7 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The program was jointly sponsored by OSAP and the ICD and coincided with Dental Infection Control Awareness Month (September) and the Annual Meeting of the South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE). Response to the program was overwhelming, with a delegation from Cambodia joining the many participants from Vietnam.

The first day of the program focused on infection control for dental practitioners, patient safety and quality measures, and antibiotic stewardship. Attendees received information on instrument processing, and implementing, reinforcing, and ensuring compliance with infection control best practices.

The second day of the program was geared to educators and trainers and focused on managing infection control in the educational setting—developing policies and procedures, identifying resources and best practices, and training staff. Attendees learned about patient safety as an emerging discipline and trends in infectious diseases, as well as the equipment, processes, and design for optimum infection control across a variety of settings.

The key speaker for the program was Eve Cuny, MS, who is Director of Environmental Health and Safety and Associate Professor in the Department of Dental Practice at Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry. Ms. Cuny is a past chairperson for OSAP who has worked with government agencies and nonprofit organizations throughout the world to educate dental practitioners about best practices in dental infection control.

Hu-Friedy supported this program through a generous educational grant, while the ICD Region 31 Viet Nam provided local arrangements, venue, and promotion.

About OSAP

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is the only dental membership association solely focused on infection prevention and patient safety education. Our members include individual clinicians, group practices, educators, researchers, consultants, trainers, compliance directors, policymakers, and industry representatives who advocate for safe and infection-free delivery of oral healthcare. OSAP focuses on strategies to improve compliance with safe practices and on building a strong network of recognized infection control experts. OSAP offers an extensive online collection of resources, publications, FAQs, checklists, and toolkits that help dental professionals deliver the Safest Dental Visit for their patients. Plus, online and live courses help advance the level of knowledge and skill for every member of the dental team. For additional information, visit osap.org.
